Saturday, August 4, 2012

And the Adventures Continue...

... And then, an awful lot happened, and I stopped posting, while in the interim I finished a wonderful trip with my family while managing to live largely up to expectations as Amateur Translator, graduated from William and Mary, and secured a post as an Assistant Language Teacher with the JET program, unbelievably in Oga, the same posting I visited back in July.

And now with the last strains of the hortatory speechifying of the official JET Orientation ringing in my ears, I set out (now in less than 4 hours) for my return to Akita, and (I hope) to regular blogging. Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. In other news, comments are open for anyone, although they may not appear immediately-- there's an antispam "comment inboxing/approval" feature that may come into play. If there's anyone out there, you're welcome to join in!
